niedziela, 29 września 2013

Angel Batista

Angel Batista is a detective in Miami Metro Police Department's Homicide Division. Batista is basically good-natured, with a dry sense of humor. He is also totally honest, at the request of his father on his deathbed. Angel is also shown wearing a trilby hat almost all the time. After having an affair with another woman, he confesses his actions to his wife; she immediately ends their relationship, although it takes months for the painful separation to conclude.
Angel takes an interest in Lila and eventually ends up sleeping with her. However, Lila takes rohipnol and then files rape charges against Angel. During this period, Dexter admits that if he were "normal", he would want to be a man like Batista. Ultimately, the charges are dropped once Lila moves to Paris.
At the start of season 3, Batista is promoted to sergeant and made the department's new lead case investigator to replace the now-deceased Doakes. However, he risks his career by attempting to sleep with a hooker who turns out to be an undercover cop. After persistent but gentlemanly advances, Angel begins a relationship with the other officer, Barbara Gianna.
By the start of Season 4, it appears that Angel and Barbara have amicably split, and he has a romantic involvement with LaGuerta, although this is kept hidden from those they work with. In "Hello, Dexter Morgan", they secretly get married with Dexter as witness. By season 5 their marriage has become common knowledge throughout the office.
Batista and LaGuerta divorce in between seasons 5 and 6.
In season 7, Batista buys a restaurant, and announces his retirement although in season 8 he still continuous to work for the Miami Metro PD as a Lieutenant.

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